Shoulders are one of the most amazing joints in the body. The most mobile joint is also the most unstable joint: therefore susceptible to all kinds of pain. Stabilize your shoulder's rotator cuff muscles to decrease your pain and improve function with these entry level exercises:
Position the shoulder with a 90' angle at the elbow. Pushing your fist forward, towards a wall, hold (pain free) 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Position the shoulder with a 90' angle at the elbow. Pushing your elbow outward, towards a wall, hold (pain free) 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

External Rotation
Position the shoulder with a 90' angle at the elbow. Pushing your fist outward, towards a wall, hold (pain free) 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Internal Rotation
Position the shoulder with a 90' angle at the elbow. Stand near an open door. Pushing your fist inward towards the door facing, hold (pain free) 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
©Kelley Southard
