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139 Maple Row Blvd., Suite 300 • Hendersonville, TN 37075 • 615-826-7113

Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Wrapping Presents: Say Bye-Bye to Holiday Blues
The presents are bought and need to be wrapped. You’ve no time for back pain during all those holiday parties. Wrapping Christmas...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Snow Angels: Who Said You Need a Snow Day?
I grew up in the north where snow is a common winter treat. The best snow days held undisturbed blankets of snow. As children we would...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Lumbar & SI Joint Range of Motion
Use a simple hula as a prop to get your lumbar and SI joints moving. Stand in the middle of a hula hoop and swirl your hips in a slow ...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Hula Some More!
So you're feeling good about the Forward and Backward Hula's? Let's keep on working! Hula Dancer I Stand in the middle of your hula hoop,...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Noodle Therapy
Use your noodle, pool noodle that is, to stretch your shoulder. Whether trying to ward off a "Frozen Shoulder" or simply keeping one's...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Punch Balloon Fun
Using a dime store party punch balloon, work to gently stabilize the rotator cuff muscles. Keep the balloon low to your side until you...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Balancing Act
Balance is like any other skill: Practice and you'll get better, quit moving and I can promise your balance will falter. Try these SAFE...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20222 min read
Elvis My Pelvis
Your pelvis is essentially a bowl from which all core power and stability derive. The pelvis is pretty fascinating because it's really a...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Light on my feet!
Strengthening your balance means becoming lighter on your feet for with agility, coordination and the ability to pivot when your balance...
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Kelley Southard, PT
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Stretch Baby Stretch!
To reverse the hunch in your back and the rounded shoulders in your posture try this position. Place a pillow at your waist. Now lie...
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